Rajagiri Journal of Social Development (Print ISSN- 0973-3086,E- ISSN -2583-7087) a peer-reviewed bi-annual journal was launched at the time of the golden jubilee celebration of the Rajagiri College of Social Sciences in 2005. The purpose of the journal is to disseminate field-based and field-related knowledge in the area of social development. The journal benefits both academicians and practitioners who are interested and involved in programmes and activities of social development. The Journal is indexed in - Proquest (Indian Database, Social Science Database, Social Science Premium Database, Proquest Central, Sociology Collection, Proquest SciTech Premium Collection ) and EBSCO Sociology Source Ultimate database
*Format of Publication –(Print) ISSN - 0973-3086,E-ISSN -2583-7087
*Number of Issues Per Year-2
*Print Frequency -Half-Yearly
*Month(s) of Publication -June and December
*Medium of publication -English
*Year of starting -2005