Understanding Consumer Behavior Toward Electric Appliances: A Social Perspective

  • N Gurumurthy
  • D Kumaresan
Keywords: Environmental concern, consumer awareness, cultural and social factors, product experience, and consumer behavior


The purpose of this study is to examine the factors influencing consumer
behavior towards eco-friendly electric appliances. Design and Methodology–The
study is conducted on the basis of primary data collected from 300 consumers of
eco-friendly electric appliances in Coimbatore District. The sample respondents have
been selected on the basis of systematic random sampling from the list of customers
obtained from the dealers of eco-friendly electric appliances. The statistical tools
like percentage analysis, ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis have been
employed to analyze the data using SPSS 22. Findings–The findings of the study
indicated that consumer behavior towards eco-friendly electric appliances has been
influenced positively and significantly by environmental concern, cultural and social
factors, and product experience. However, consumer awareness has made a significant
influence on consumer behavior. Implications–The results of the study have indicated
the factors influencing consumer behavior towards eco-friendly electric appliances.
The manufacturers of eco-friendly electric appliances could draft suitable policies
for the product design and marketing of these products. Originality–The present
study is conducted among the consumers of eco-friendly electric appliances in
Coimbatore District. This study contributes to the available literature in the field of
consumer behavior

Author Biographies

N Gurumurthy

Laxminarayana Arts and Science College for Women,
Dharmapuri–636705, Tamil Nadu, India

D Kumaresan

Professor & Director, School of Commerce, K.S.R. College of Arts and Science for
Women, Tiruchengode–637215, Tamil Nadu, Indi
