International Year of Millets 2023: Millet Promotion in India for Food Security

  • Jasmine Mathew Rajagiri College of Social Sciences
  • Joseph M K Rajagiri College of Social Sciences
Keywords: International year of millets, traditional food crops, climateresilient crops, nutri-cereals, sustainable food system


Food security is the need of the hour in the face of a growing population and changing
climate. As a country with rich agricultural traditions, India is reviving traditional food crops
with climate-resilient traits and rich nutrition profiles. Millets, once known as India’s
famine reserve, are now getting the status of India’s future food. India recognized millets
as good for cultivators, consumers, and climate. Considering the beneficial effects of
millet in providing food security to the world, India proposed the International Year of
Millet 2023, and the UN General Assembly (UNGA) approved it on 05 March 2021. In this
context, this paper discusses the initiatives of the central government, state governments,
and civil society in India to promote millet cultivation and consumption. It also
recommends measures to develop a climate-resilient millet-based food system to
address agricultural distress and meet India’s nutritional needs.
