Are The Children of Alcoholics different? An Overview

  • Jiji T.S.
  • Rakesh T.P
Keywords: Alcoholism


Alcoholism is an important issue for any society. Drugdependence too shows a rising trend all over the world including India,perhaps primarily due to the newer and greater stress related issues inthe rapid changing life styles of day to day life. Drug dependence is agrowing problem and the consequences of drug dependence causes.great harm to the community and forms a major health problem. Alcoholand drug related behavioural and medical complications are a majorconcern for policy planners and health professionals or most countries.In the last three decades, many epidemiological surveys have been
carried out in India to assess the prevalence of alcohol and drug users.Several children of problematic alcoholics undergo a series of varyingchallenging situations at home and society which makes them feel lesshopeful of their future and as a result they are more prone to negativismand related personality problems. This problem has received someattention in the recent years among the general public and mental healthprofessionals. The various therapies incorporated in the de-addictiontreatment needs to be widened to address the challenging phases of thegrowing children of alcoholics together with other members of thefamily.
